4 new flows NSIS - Local Rehabilitation Flow
M6C2 – Innovation, research and digitalization of healthcare service
Investment 1.3.2 Strengthening technological infrastructure and tools for data collection, processing, analysis and simulation. Adoption by the Regions of 4 new national information flows
This investment aims to bring about a profound step change in the technological infrastructure underlying the delivery of care, health data analysis and predictive capacity of the Italian NHS.
The project specifically focuses on strengthening the Ministry of Health's technological infrastructure and analytical tools for monitoring essential levels of care (ELCs, i.e., the services guaranteed by the NHS throughout the country) and planning health care services that are in line with needs, the evolution of the population's demographic structure, trends and the epidemiological framework.
Purpose of the measure
As part of the New Information System, is established the "Information system for monitoring rehabilitation assistance". The project is aimed at collecting information relating to the rehabilitation treatments provided, in the context of residential and semi-residential care, of an intensive, extensive and maintenance nature for people with physical, mental and sensorial disabilities.

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